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Trials of Alignment

The stories about Dementos and Kydos are told everywhere on Ibea, but whether you believe them or not is up to you!
Some Salikos say they gained the blessing of one of the gods and got rewarded!

They got special skills and strange, pretty paints in their fur from being devoted to one of the gods.

Hmmm ? You want that too? Then you have to take part in the Trials of Alignment!

A Saliko can only gain the blessing of ONE god at a time, so choose wisely!

Kydos, Demetos and Mother Nature will all listen to your Salikos prayers, and maybe even accept

them as their loyal follower.

Anker 1

How to gain a blessing


You simply need to work on a specific prompt to request a blessing.

Up to three salikos may do their aligment trials in one entry.


But beware: 

The patrons don't give out blessings that easily!


While taking part in a trial you have a 70% chance to be successful.
But sometimes a god is not pleased with the way a Saliko takes part in the trial.

 Then you simply need to try again!

With the second attempt your chance will rise to 80%.

If you still fail to please the god, you have to try one last time.

But don't worry – after all this work you've proven yourself to the gods, so the third time is guaranteed to work!


The Trials

Choosing an Alignment

To take part in a trial, you need to choose one from our prompt list, create the entry and post it here

Changing & Quitting an Alignment


Of course you are able to change your alignment, we are no strange cult or anything ... OR ARE WE? 
*ahem* Sorry - back to topic ......

Before you can change to a different devotion, you need to quit your current alignment.
But beware: It's hard to please the gods again once you betrayed them!

You will be marked as "quitter" and have to change back to your import picture without paints or benefits.

You will start with a 30% success chance to prove your new god that you are worth their trust.
Here again, if you fail you need to try again! 

On your second try you will get a 50% success chance.
And the third time you can't fail anymore.


Quitting an Alignment:

To quit an Alignment, you need to request it here

Alignment Paint:

If you want to add paint to your Saliko, check out this page!


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