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The “Design-Master” is some kind of title you can earn.


It allows you to take group-related design requests and earn some rewards in exchange for helping us and the members to get their genos designed!


How to become a Design-Master?


Becoming a Design-Master is part of mini-events.

In irregular intervals we host a Design Contest with various tasks, so keep an eye out for notes on DeviantArt and Discord!


By group votings we decide who's gonna get the right to call themself a Design-Master!





Here are all our current Design-Masters















As Design-Master you may design a small signet you can add next to the “Designer” part in the description of a Saliko you created!

To add a signet to your name, please reply to the comment that promoted you as a Design-Master

Rules for the signet:
the signet should be 25 x 25px
static! (no animation)
color and what it shows is up to you.




Adoption Center Designs


As a Design-Master you are allowed to design genos from the adoption center and claim a reward like you get from the design request


To get these designs checked, please go here!

If you want to read more, please go here


! Warning !

We expect a Design-Master to follow the basic design rules and make less/no mistakes!


If we notice you have problems with our design rules and make a lot of mistakes, we might revoke your Design-Master rank and cut back on your privileges as a Design-Master!


More Information

If multiple Design-Masters are working on the same design at once, the one who posted it first will be rewarded – as long as it's correct of course!


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