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As you need to specify the locations of Ibea in the activities you take part in for unique rewards and encounters, here you can find out more about certain areas!


There are three different types of territories: common, hidden and secret


Common territories can be entered by every Saliko! They are usually not dangerous, easy to navigate and the loot, prey, and events here are pretty common - you'll need to be a bit more lucky to find something uncommon here!


To enter a hidden territory, you need to unlock the specific habitat with a special achievement.

It might sound difficult but everyone can do that.

Activities in this territory are a bit more challenging and you may get hurt every now and then, but the rewards are also much better than in common territories.


Secret territories are only available for a few select individuals. Just those following the explorer call or masters of the skill "Mapmind" can find the entrances. 

These territories are full with rare loot and interesting quests, but they are also quite dangerous – only experienced and well trained Salikos should enter these places!

Borderlands can't be organised in one specific habitat – different subspecies share these locations and they can have different territory levels.

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